Harnita hopes this can be a reference model of participatory learning that is enjoyable, preferred and becomes an effort to create a safe growing space for children. For Harnita, this became a playroom for children that is safe and enjoyable to learn and express the art side of the children. In this program, Harnita and her organization, Kedai Buku Jenny (KBJ), held two performances that featured stories for children and enjoyed by a minimum of 200 audience members. There were 10 child facilitators who became mentors for participating children and hopefully become the initiators in their respective communities. In the end program, they published modules to serve as a reference for parents and teachers to consider children's theater as a method to create an interactive and enjoyable learning space for children. The story portrayed in the Teather was the story of the children in Moncongloe village who grow beyond everything they see every day. With the backdrop of sand-carrying trucks, streets, and buildings, children sang and danced joyfully without fear. 

In this program, KBJ collaborated with an organization in South Sulawesi called Teman Bermain, Forum Anak (Children’s Forum), Create, and SDN 127 Moncongloe as our partner. Harnita mentioned that each of them has a different institution and work style. Although she has done many collaborations before, collaborating with these three institutions for one long-duration activity has given her and her team a new perspective on collaboration and shared goals. This program has taught them a lot about tolerance and understanding. Different educational, social, and economic backgrounds involved had led them to think in diverse ways.  

From the point of the partner, the school representatives from SDN 127 Moncongloe, they observed that children enjoy playing and doing arts a lot, so this theatrical method helped children to unleash their potentials. They hope this program can reach more children in their school in the future. Besides the collaborators, partners, and target audience, the teachers who are responsible for providing education in schools also observed positive changes in themselves. They became closer to the children and formed interaction and creative learning processes for their students. Furthermore, we hope that the government, especially the education department, can see this as a best practice that can be adopted in schools. 

For KBJ, this collaboration provided a collaborative experience to work with a school institution for a long duration. They had to adapt to formalities that our organization hadn't previously encountered. Throughout the 3-month collaboration, their primary target was 14 children, but it turned out the performance reached nearly all the school students and teachers and 4,000 people through YouTube/Instagram live.